Friday, August 15, 2008

Meeting of Monday, August 11, 2008

A beautiful evening brought out lots of members and guests! We welcomed our first-time guests Andrea, Lisa, Natalie, and Dennis, and returning guest Stephen. Thank you for visiting and for your warm comments.

Stephen has visited as a guest on a number of occasions and tonight he completed his application form and submitted payment, so he is now a member of Tillicum Toastmasters! Congratulations Stephen; we welcome you to Tillicum and look forward to assisting you in your Toastmaster experience!

Sue was our energetic Chair for this evening’s meeting, with the theme Games. Starting with a rousing cheerleaders’ TILLICUM cheer, this set the pace for the evening. Well done Sue!

Julie took on the role of Games Master for this evening and introduced a new facet to the club. With two teams, she introduced Taboo, and certainly set our minds thinking and hearts racing. Nice job Julie and congratulations to the winning team.

Maurice as Table Topics Master kept to theme and Tom, describing how judges judge games, won the Best Table Topics Award for the evening!

The two program speakers read from advanced manual: Mariam delivered a PowerPoint presentation on an aging population with its True and False aspects, and Rob Read Out Loud from "Lord of the Rings". Excellent deliveries from both speakes. Mariam won the Best Speaker Award and Brad the Best Evaluator Award for his evaluation of Mariam’s speech.

Lutz also made presentations to worthy recipients during 2007-1008: Brad for Best Table Topics Speaker and Best Speaker, and to Tom. who was presented with a Toastmaster of the Year Award. Especial mention was made of Tom spending much time devoted to Speechcraft, and we thank him for all his endeavours.

Maureen, as VP Public Relations, announced that a night out at the Bavaria Haus is suggested for Wednesday, September 10 – which is Schnitzel Wednesday! Bargains galore at the Bavaria Haus, so if you wish to attend and bring a partner, etc., please advise Maureen.

Our next meeting is Monday, August 18, when the theme is "Gardens" Chaired by Mariam. Please assist Mariam and help her fill roles.

See you on the 18th!

Best wishes,